Weekly Wednesday Low Impact Workout
From our Weekly Wednesday Email, here’s a video clip of the below workout routine. Give it a try and start those 2019 workout intentions!
Full Body Low Impact Body-Weight Routine:
-Warm Up:
-Cat/Cow for 10 Breaths
-Side to side taps or Jog in place for 30 Seconds
*Perform each of the below exercises for 1 minute each, for a total of 2-4 rounds.
-Side Shuffle with Alternating Lat Stretch
-Arm Circles Forward with Calf Raises
-Arm Circles Backwards with Calf Raises
-Crossover Pull - Left Side
-Crossover Pull- Right Side
-Wall Push Up
-Alternating Wall Push Ups to Wall Triceps Push Ups
-Alternating Squat with Arm Reach
-Wall Sits with Butterfly Press
-Alternating Lunge Forward with Arm Reach Up
Cool Down