A few of my favorite things…
Blendtec or Vitamix are some of the highest quality blenders out there and I highly recommend either of these if you're going to be doing a lot of smoothies, soups, or dressings!
We use ours EVERY morning and it works SO well! It's a bit of an investment, but you will definitely get your money's worth.
Costco typically runs a sell for either VItamix or Blendtec (most recently during the Christmas season) and are the best prices I’ve seen.
If you don’t have a Costco membership or missed the sale, Amazon has some pretty good options for them.
Food chopper
Using a chopper will make food prep super quick and clean up easy!
I use this DAILY and it cuts my time in the kitchen down by half, if not more!
Produce storage containers
Pro-keeper storage containers are one of the best I've found for keeping produce fresh longer! These include air-flow vents, a colander base to drain excess water, and help provide humidity when needed.
Costco typically carries the best prices for these. Amazon would be my next pick.
Composting is a great way to help reduce waste, and create your own soil if desired.
I use a small kitchen bin that I can easily dump unused produce in that makes for easy clean up.
The tumbler is a great option for creating your own soil for your garden which I highly recommend if you have space for it!
As an Amazon Affiliate, I do get a very small portion from the purchases you make off of the Amazon links listed on my site. I hope these resources are found helpful to you and the journey you are on!